Conference Information

CAA2025 will be a fully in-person event. We made a considerable effort to keep the registration costs low to support more participants. Thus, we will not offer hybrid / online participation.


Good to know: Participation to the conference, either as a speaker or as an attendee, is considered a benefit of CAA International members; this means that one should either become a (new) member or renew their annual CAA membership for 2025. The cost of this is managed by CAA International and range from €10 to €75, depending on your circumstances. Please visit the membership website for more information. In addition, as the Conference supports concessionary registration, please note that the concessionary fee is tied to the concessionary membership. Consult the membership website for more information.

Fees are assigned based on an A/B system, according to your current country of residence*.
All prices are in Euros (€).
Limits for the early bird registration will be published soon.

Regular conference registration (Group A)
Early bird full fee: €330.00
Late bird full fee: €360.00

Concessionary conference registration (Group A)
Early bird fee concessionary: €220.00
Late bird fee concessionary: €250.00

Regular conference registration (Group B)
Early bird full fee: €220.00
Late bird full fee: €250.00

Concessionary conference registration (Group B)
Early bird fee concessionary: €100.00
Late bird fee concessionary: €150.00

*Countries in Group A (Based upon the United Nations per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data from 2021): Andorra; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Bermuda; British Virgin Islands; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Cayman Islands; Cyprus; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greenland; Hong Kong SAR (China); Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Macao SAR (China); Malta; Monaco; Netherlands; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Norway; Puerto Rico; Qatar; San Marino; Singapore; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States of America

Countries in Group B: Any country not listed in the A category

Members will pay the rate corresponding to their country of residence. Residents of countries not listed in group A are eligible to pay the group B membership fee.


Please note that coffee breaks and lunches at the venue, as well as the welcome reception are all included in the registration price.


Upon registration, you will be able to opt for the social events, workshops, and the excursion.


Find detailed information about the conference venue in the dedicated page.
The venue supports free WiFi either as a guest of the University or eduroam