The 52nd International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) will be held in Athens, Greece, from 5 to 9 May 2025. You are invited to submit a proposal to organize a session on any aspect of computer applications or quantitative methods in archaeology. Sessions engaging with the theme “Digital Horizons: Embracing Heritage in an Evolving World” to discuss the current state of the field are warmly encouraged.
Session organizers may choose from one of the following formats:
- Standard – with a series of 20-minute papers addressing a theme presented in advance by the organisers;
- Round Table – with a pre-conference position paper published by the organisers of the session as integral part of the CFS, followed by an invitation for researchers to submit a response in advance or to participate in open-forum discussion at the session;
- Other – with the format decided by the organisers, exploring innovative and creative ways for participants to engage with the session.
Session proposals (up to 1000 words plus references) should be broad enough to reach all interested researchers, regardless of affiliation or background.
The CAA2025 call for sessions will be open until 12 September 2024. Acceptance notifications will be sent to session chairs in mid-September, and the call for papers will open at the end of September. All session chairs will need to register for the conference before the end of the early-bird period.
The CAA strongly encourages its members to consider and promote under-represented demographics when convening a team to propose a session, encouraging colleagues to submit papers, and recruiting speakers. In particular, we encourage session proposers to consider how they can engage with and support colleagues from:
- multiple countries and institutes, particularly those less well represented within CAA membership;
- different career stages and professional situations, with particular attention to the participation of early career researchers and early career colleagues from within and outside academic institutions;
- different ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, nationalities, religions and other aspects of personal and professional identity which bring a range of perspectives and experiences to the CAA conference;
- different approaches to archaeological research and practice.
Requirements and responsibilities
The CAA conference will be a fully in-person meeting in 2025. The official language of the conference is English, and all session proposals should be submitted in English.
Each session should have at least two chairs. You may contribute to more than one session abstract, but you may only be first author for one and you must be willing to be involved in the development and delivery of all sessions that are accepted. There is a limit of four people max as session organizers in each session. Submitting session chairs as well as presenters will be required to endorse the CAA ethics statement when uploading a proposal (
All conference attendees, including session chairs and presenting authors, will need to be 2025 CAA members in addition to paying a separate conference registration fee. (Session organizers are not required to be 2024 CAA members to propose a session for the 2025 conference, but they will be required to pay their 2025 CAA membership fee prior to registering for the conference). To learn more about CAA’s membership fee structure, please visit:
Session organizers proposing standard or other format sessions will be expected to:
- Promote their sessions;
- Encourage submission of abstracts;
- Coordinate the review of submitted abstracts, including recruiting reviewers with relevant expertise;
- Submit a proposed running order for accepted presentations;
- Actively engage with ethics issues, should they arise;
- Chair the session at the conference;
- Encourage post-conference publication of papers;
- Assist with the post-conference publication of proceedings through PCI Archaeology.
The call for papers will open at the end of September and remain open until the end of October. The review period will begin once the call for papers closes and will be completed by early December. Session chairs will need to submit their preferred order of papers in early December, so that the conference organizers can build and publish the conference schedule by early January.
Session organizers proposing round table sessions will be expected to:
- Promote their sessions;
- Recruit and select all round table speakers;
- Actively engage with ethics issues, should they arise;
- Write and circulate a pre-conference position paper to all of the speakers;
- Chair the round table at the conference;
- Assist with the eventual post-conference publication of proceedings through PCI Archaeology.
Merging of Similar Sessions
The CAA Scientific Committee may propose splitting or merging sessions as part of the review process depending upon the number of submissions. Session chairs are expected to work with the Scientific Committee to facilitate this process.
Further Information
Any queries related to the CAA2025 call for sessions should be directed to and Marta Lorenzon, Scientific Committee Chair, at